Nestlé Makes The Very Best

Nice tie-in with Atari from 1983. Customers didn’t talk back in those days. At least not as they can today.

Here’s an interesting story about an all-out fight on Facebook.  A taste of what Unilever got last year.

The details, via All Facebook

The crisis earlier this year was prompted when a Greenpeace video highlighted Nestlé’s use of palm oil grown on former rainforest land in South-East Asia and linked the iconic Kit-Kat with the deaths of orangutans, which are an endangered species. Nestlé sought to ban the video and successfully removed it from YouTube, though not Vimeo. The Nestlé Facebook page was inundated with protests and criticism as a result.

The ad has already prompted a parody on the 28,491-strong “Can this orang-utan get more fans than Nestle?” page, with the word “bullshit” replacing “like” next to the thumbs-up symbol.

The Nestlé page has 109,502 fans but many of them seem to have joined in order to leave critical comments about issues such as palm oil or baby formula, such as the ones below. Nestlé is such a consumer-facing company that it’s probably right not to retreat from social media – but I can’t say I envy the poor PR flacks who have to run this page.

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