Results for tag "dogs"

What's Your Policy?

“55% of executives say their companies don’t have an official use of social networks, and 22% said their companies would like to use social networking tools, but haven’t yet figured out how.” That’s Deloitte’s Ethics & Workplace Survey found. Fewer still monitor social networks…

No wonder we have social media marketing “experts” coming out of the woodwork, chasing down these new business opportunities.

I might be able to help, just as I did Two River Interiors. It’s not about pulling the trigger (twitter, Facebook, etc.), it’s about understanding what it means to your business. Your industry, your customers, your employees — no two companies are alike.

Obama’s dog? He’s got it going on: plenty of blogs following him already.


Goat For A Ride

Goats are one of the oldest domesticated species, but I certainly wouldn’t consider them a power source for personal transportation. OK, this device is meant for dogs, but why not other smaller animals?

Mark Shuette is the man behind the Dog Powered Scooter (and trike, skateboard and folding bicycle). Interesting invention that’s been around for about a year and another example of American ingenuity. Not baaad.
