Results for tag "skiing"

Stay Ready

I placed 3rd in my age group in a NASTAR race on Saturday. First time in a couple of years. I was stuck in the bronze medal category for some time —  not anymore. I’m back in the silver category.

Thanks to my brightly-colored jacket, the photographer had no trouble finding me. He was ready.

When skiing, it’s important to stay on your skis and lean forward. Just as it is in marketing: stay ready for anything you come across down the slope.


Off Piste

The kids enjoy skiing among the trees now, which is technically “out of bounds” (or “off piste,” as they say in Europe). I’ve begun to enjoy it, too — especially since somebody has to follow them to make sure they find their way back.

If you don’t know what it’s like to ski or snowboard, get out there and learn! January is Learn A Snow Sport month — just your luck. Glen Plake was on the Today Show yesterday, as he’s the national spokesperson. As the “godfather of extreme skiing,” he’s got a good brand — and the Mohawk. I just can’t seem to picture him ever wearing a helmet.

Not a good idea.