Results for tag "super-bowl"

Iron City Rocks

Iron City beer is going down all over Pittsburgh today, after one of the best Super Bowls ever.

Although they’ve got some manufacturing problems to fix, they’ve been around since 1861 and they know their customers. Take their special packaging for hunting season: a camo box. On the back, a shooting target (note the “drink responsibly” line below). The marketing folks at Pittsburgh Brewing know their customer and how they take their hunting seriously.

That’s what I call target marketing.


The Super Bowl

What do I like about the NFL’s Super Bowl? The ads, of course. When the whistle blows and network cuts to a commercial, I’m the one who “shushes” the room so I can hear it.

The AP ran a story yesterday how the ads will be toned down, but it’s still big:

The Super Bowl remains a unique marketing vehicle because it’s known as much for its commercials as the game itself. A TNS Media survey released this month confirmed that people watch commercials throughout the game, instead of switching channels.

“The Super Bowl remains as truly the only property that has the ability to reach the largest mass audience across all demographics at one time,” said TNS Media CEO Dean DeBiase.

The Hyundai spot featuring Yo-Yo Ma, and the ensuing user-generated content, ought to be interesting:

“I think the people that will respond to the Yo-Yo Ma piece when watching the Super Bowl won’t necessarily be classical music fans,” Goodby, Silverstein & Partners creative director Jim Elliot said. “Within the context of all the other advertising, which can be so chaotic that it almost becomes white noise, a quiet, gorgeous solo cello moment can be very arresting.”

Let’s hope it doesn’t backfire like the Chevy Tahoe “make your own” promotion in 2006.


Budweiser will be there. Remember the “wazzup” spots from 2000? Here’s one of the original spots, followed by an Obama presidential campaign spot from the same actors, eight years later:
