Iron City Rocks

Iron City beer is going down all over Pittsburgh today, after one of the best Super Bowls ever.

Although they’ve got some manufacturing problems to fix, they’ve been around since 1861 and they know their customers. Take their special packaging for hunting season: a camo box. On the back, a shooting target (note the “drink responsibly” line below). The marketing folks at Pittsburgh Brewing know their customer and how they take their hunting seriously.

That’s what I call target marketing.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. MelissaReply

    Fantastic!! Great marketing for a mediocre product that actually makes the beer taste better. Us Pittsburghers don't drink Iron City for the taste, we drink it because it's Iron City. We're tough enough to get over the taste. Check out -- I don't know if they're still doing Pittsburgh Brewing stuff but what they did do, they did well.

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